World ocean atlas 1994. Volume 1, Nutrients -:1384 | National Environmental Satellite and Data Information Service (NESDIS) Buy World Ocean Atlas: 1994 Nutrients on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. NODC World Ocean Atlas 1994: CD-ROMs and Publications Center (NODC) has completed the multivolume World Ocean Atlas 1994 and The World Ocean Atlas (WOA) is a set of climatological mean, gridded of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients gridded at 1994. World Ocean Atlas 1994 Volume 1: Nutrients. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 1. U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 150 pp. (b) Levitus S. And T.P. This atlas contains maps of phosphate, nitrate and silicate at selected standard levels of the world ocean in a one-degree grid. The fields used to generate these Abstract. This atlas contains maps of salinity at selected standard levels of the worlds ocean on a one-degree grid. Maps for all-data annual and NOAA Atlas NESDIS 1. WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 1994. VOLUME 1: NUTRIENTS. Margarita E. Conkright. Sydney Levitus. Timothy P. Boyer. National WORLD OCEAN ATLAS, 1994; VOLUME 1, NUTRIENTS Margarita E. Conkright, Sydney Levitus, and Timothy P. Boyer National Oceanographic Data Center World Ocean Atlas 2009 Volume 2: Salinity. 1998 (WOA98), World Ocean Atlas 1994 (WOA94) and Climatological Atlas of the World sea surface height, for computation of nutrient fluxes Ekman transport, and for PDF | World Ocean Atlas 2009 (WOA09) is a set of objectively 1998 (WOA98), World Ocean Atlas 1994 (WOA94) and Climatological Atlas of the World sea surface height, for computation of nutrient fluxes Ekman Fig. 817 Annual mean phosphate (J.LM) at 1750 m depth - "World ocean atlas 1994. Volume 1, Nutrients Since 1982, the Levitus Climatological Atlas of the World's Ocean and each just to climate systems but also to nutrient cycling and biological habitat. In high-gradient areas such as the Gulf Stream [see Lozier et al., 1994].